Muhammad Arfi Rayyan

A Full-Time Learner and High Dreamer

About Me

Experienced as a B2B Operations staff with a demonstrated history of working in the Start-Up company. Skilled in Administration, Microsoft Office, Wedding Event Organizing, Project Management, Leadership, Teamwork, also well-organized with Customer Service skills. Previously worked as Research Assistant and Enumerator for Social Research field. Strong professional with a Bachelor of Public Administration focused on Public Policy and Public Service from Universitas Airlangga

Featured Articles

From "Smart City" to "Smart Tourism" : Developing The Role of Tourism in Asia | 7th AASIC/Asian Academic Society International Conference | Proceeding Series

The Indonesia Investment stated tourism sector absorbs the majority of the workforce and contributes 9% of the total national economy. Therefore, this sector should be developed through smart tourism as well as the smart city concept. Banyuwangi has natural resource potential that tries to implement this development. This qualitative-descriptive research goal is to learn the way Banyuwangi develops its tourism as a smart city, especially in Tamansari Ijen Village. The data is collected through interviews, observation, and documentation. The result shows that the realization of smart tourism needs coordination and management of destinations, development of tourism objects amount, development of the technology access, digital promotion of culture and local products, and economic development of society. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the development of smart tourism as an effort to achieve the 8th and 12th goals of the SDGs also creates employment and promotes local cultures and products.

Artificial Intelligence : Sebuah Tantangan Besar Masa Depan Umat Manusia

Manusia diciptakan oleh Tuhan menjadi mahluk hidup yang paling sempurna diantara mahluk hidup lainnya. Namun, ada hal yang tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa setiap manusia memiliki karakteristiknya masing-masing dan disisi lain, manusia juga menjadi sumber dari berbagai masalah yang terjadi dan yang terpenting adalah tidak semua manusia memiliki kecerdasan yang tinggi. Maka dari itu, apa yang terjadi di masa depan dengan keaadaan manusia yang seperti ini, dengan karakteristik dan kecerdasan yang berbeda? Inilah yang masih menjadi sebuah pertanyaan besar.